How Will We Work Together
Typically, when working with an organisation we will follow this sort of process but some of this can of course change to suit the client needs.

We will meet with the Point of Contact/budget holder (PoC) in the organisation to determine what support to provide:
Corporate need:
- What other Learning and Development tools does the organisation use?
- Why does the organisation want a Coaching and Mentoring programme?
- What does the organisation expect to achieve from a Coaching and Mentoring programme?
Scope of work:
- Who will participate in the Coaching and Mentoring programme?
- Why?
- Will it be Coaching or Mentoring or both?
- Timing of programme?
Identify the key stakeholders:
- The Coachees.
- The Line Manager(s) (LM)
Manage Expectations:
- Coach Expectations
- Corporate Expectations
- Agreed objectives
Complete Documentation
We will issue:
- Objectives of C+M Programme
- Contract, signed
- Coachee pre-Questionnaire
Organisation will respond with:
- Corporation expectations confirmed.
- Contract, signed.
- Objectives of C+M Programme confirmed.
- Completed Coachee pre-Questionnaires
Chemistry session with each Coachee
- Share Expectations document
- Share Objectives document
- Review pre-Questionnaire
- Set scene for C+M Programme:
- “What do you want to get out of these sessions?”
- “How can I help you?”
- Agree Action Plan
- Agree date and time of next session
Implement multiple sessions with each Coachee, as agreed
- Complete post session documentation:
- Coachee personal Reflective Log
- Coach Personal Log for Coach Supervisor
- Coachee feedback
Meet with Point of Contact
Reflect on success of C+M Programme.
- Review:
- Coachee feedback forms
- Changes in behaviour of Coachees
- Results of Coachees
- Agree follow up action plan.
NB: All Coaching and Mentoring will be conducted in an environment of trust, openness, and confidentiality in line with the code of practice of the British School of Coaching.