I refused the Exec Coaching that was offered to me. I was the managing director of a multi-million dollar business  – I didn’t need coaching. I was doing fine and who had said I needed help? What was I doing wrong that I needed a coach? And anyway, how could a coach help me? How could somebody who had no idea of my business be any help to me? So I carried on with what I was doing. And the challenges I was facing just got bigger.

I couldn’t see them for the opportunities that they were. Because I was too busy, working all the hours available, never stopping to think. Never stopping to draw breath. To reflect. To take a step back. To think about what those challenges really were. To realise I was facing a wealth of opportunity.

So, I know of what I speak!


‘RLCOACHING’ supports organisations in the development of their people. Understanding how to turn challenges into opportunities. This is achieved by enabling mid-level and senior managers to realise their full potential through pragmatic, results focussed coaching and mentoring programmes.



RLCOACHING has been established by and is led by me, Roger Lamb.

I am an ILM Level 7 Qualified Executive Coach and Leadership Mentor and a member of Certified Management Consultants (CMC).

I use these skills, within a pragmatic approach based on his many years of commercial and leadership experience in international blue-chip organisations. I  help business leaders and managers unlock their true potential, turning challenges into opportunities through building their self-awareness, focussing on their strengths and working together with practical steps in their career and personal development.

I have worked in many different countries and environments, ranging from the earliest emerging markets to the more sophisticated mature markets, managing and leading teams from diverse functional and ethnic backgrounds. This enables me to actively engage with everybody and to help individuals identify their key challenges and seize their opportunities.

In addition to coaching  I am involved with several other initiatives. I am a Skills Coach at Manchester Metropolitan University supporting their Senior Leader and MBA programmes; a founding partner in a new photo sharing app; I have  continued my commercial consulting projects in a number NED roles; am a Chairman of a secondary school Parent Society; am a Manchester University Alumni Gold Mentor; and I work with Career Ready, a national social mobility charity helping young people kick start their careers.

By really understanding my clients through his active listening, I create a solution focused coaching and mentoring approach.

I am a Member of the Association of Coaching and undertake regular supervised sessions with the British School of Coaching, following the ethics and code of Practise of the British School of Coaching.

5 Steps to Excellence

For a taste of my Leadership Mentoring, I refer you to my book. Get your copy on Amazon.


“For me the coaching has been a real benefit in allowing me to understand what my long-term and short-term business goals are. It has allowed me to comprehend where I am against where I should be and to allow me to set realistic expectations.”

Guy Woodcock

‘The Marketing Guy’

“Roger is a calming influence who listens well (he has to with me), I always found his coaching constructive and beneficial.”

Marketing professional

“I feel I have benefited from the coaching sessions in a couple of ways:

  • It has given me the opportunity to reflect on the things that are important to me as an individual and to look at ways in which my business can help me to achieve my goals;
  • It has enabled me to vocalise my ideas for the business which, in turn, has prompted me to take action rather than just keep thinking about it. In other words, it helped me turn my thoughts into actions.”

Helen Provart

Peak Translations’

“I enjoyed every minute with Roger. I feel like I benefitted highly from our time working together! He guided me how to get the head office into check and working properly.”

Professional in Printing industry

“The coaching has enabled me to offload various anxieties about the business journey and help me to adopt a clearer vision for the future. The mentoring given was invaluable, this has helped me think differently into my approach along with planning clear calls to action over the next few months.”

Nigel Milligan

iNam Concepts Ltd

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